Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first post will be about....

...draft #8 of DtDD that I just finished.

In this rewrite I turned Elaine, the no-nonsense producer of David Brock's "Trinity!" into an excessively combative mirage in the final scene of the film. I gave her several curse words to spew out. The positive aspect of this rewrite is that it should bring a higher level of intensity to the last act of the film. The possible negative aspect is that it may a) clutter the final scene with yet another mirage of David's psyche and/or b) give the whole film a cruder feel that may cause people to focus less on the internal questions being asked and more on the external language.

I guess I'll just wait to see how Bradley reacts to the draft before we decide to scrap the new material or not.

Time keeps on ticking...

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