Thursday, August 16, 2007


does the devil doubt? is now a legitimate FILM.

I just placed an order for a mile of 16mm 500T 7218 film stock from Kodak.

we gonna rock rock rock.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

the picture takes it

phase two

phase three

Emails and Location update

Sent out emails to the crew to remind them about next week and to let them know about a meeting on Saturday.

I also sent out several emails to (6) prospective grips, I will let you know as soon as hear back from any of them. I also emailed Kyle to see if he has any interest in the remaining positions.

As of this moment, we will not be able to use Corey's room as David's Room location.
Therefore, we need to find another working location ASAP.

Bradley, I was curious as to whether a room in your house would work or not. Just a thought, but I'm sure you've already been over it.

I called Rochelle about this and left her a message, I believe I remember her saying that she has a few ideas in case this happened. We will get a replacement location locked by the end of the week.

Tomorrow, I will be:

discussing back-up locations with Rochelle
getting the ER equipment in order
getting prices from Fotokem
tracking down the glidecam
responding to any reply emails
preparing for Tuesday's meeting (scheduling, transportation, meals, etc.)

I'm excited to get all of these things done tomorrow, but for now...

I sleep.

Fotokem Processing

I called Fotokem on my break and while they couldn't give me any prices until tomorrow, they did say that it would be a two-day turnaround for processing 100ft of 16mm.

I left a message with Corey and will know by tonight about using his room.

That's all for now, I will bring more updates later in the day.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Update, Jobs for the morrow

Sorry I haven't been too active these past couple of days, work along with getting ready for the return trip has sucked up a great deal of my time.

How did scouting go? I hope that everything went well in spite of there being no producer. I'm looking forward to hearing the news

I called Fotokem on Friday, but I didn't call early enough, so I will call back tomorrow.

Just sent Bradley the crewlist so that he can fill in his camera crew. Once I have their information, I will be emailing the crew tomorrow to remind them about next Monday/Tuesday and the remaining production days.

Bradley, if I could get the list of equipment needed for next Monday/Tuesday, that would be fantastic. I need to email Dr. Fisher so that we can arrange the pick-up.

So, my current to-do list for the morrow:

Talk with Fotokem
Confirm with Corey about location
Get camera crew names and send out emails
Get equipment list and email Dr. Fisher
Talk Rochelle about design progress



Trying to help keep communications clear and open

I think I need to state my position on this project directly (apart from actor and writer).

I am the Executive Producer. I will be the chief financier of the project. I am contributing 3000 dollars to the project, which will likely be more than 50%. Therefore, if the movie makes any profit in festivals or elsewhere, at this moment I reserve the right to divvy up the funds as I see fit.

I am not a creative producer. As far as all the aesthetic decisions go, I may give my input to Bradley, but the decision is ultimately his and his alone. The only aspect of the creative process that I do lay claim to, is the right to wield my power as pertaining to any sculptural changes to the script. If Bradley or anyone else wants to make a change to the script that I feel is not in-line with my original decision, I will veto it. But, barring script changes, all the creative power, from location to color scheme lies in Bradley's command.

Okay, forgive me if that sounded a bit terse, but I thought it would be better just to state it and clear up any doubt as to my role behind the scenes on this film.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I dreamed of DtDD last night!

I'm too tired right now to write about the dream, so I'm just posting this as a reminder to post it as soon as I have the energy.

But man alive, it was good.